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Submitting to the Billionaire - The Complete Series Page 3

  An hour later, her and Mark were speeding along in the back seat of a Limousine towards JFK airport. Instead of going towards the departures zone, the limo driver took them straight into a hanger. Sara got out, confused. She hadn’t been on many planes, but she knew this wasn’t exactly normal.

  When they got out, Sara found herself standing in front of a Gulfstream, with a single flight attendant waiting for them at the top of the steps. “Welcome Mr. Terringer” she announced, inviting them into the plane. Sara followed, trying to keep her mouth from dropping open in awe. She would have found business class extravagant, let alone a private jet!

  When she boarded the plane, Sara was astounded once more. Six leather seats, a conference table, big screen TV and what seemed to be a full bedroom out the back greeted her. Mark invited her to sit in one of the leather seats, the took the one across from her. The stewardess immediately brought over two glasses of champagne.

  The flight was relatively smooth. Sara asked about the business deals with the French car manufacturers, and Mark explained it to her. They spent a couple of hours talking about the strategy Mark was going to use. Sara felt way out of her depth, but did offer suggestions, and appreciated that Mark didn’t brush them off completely, but seemed to take them into consideration.

  Finally, Mark suggested they both try and get some sleep, as they were landing in France in the morning and it would be a big day. They both went over to the bedroom and fell asleep. Falling asleep with Mark felt right to Sara, even though there had been no sex.

  When she awoke, five hours later, they were getting ready for the descent. “We’re going to go straight to the headquarters where we’re having the meeting. I’ll have someone check us into the hotel so when we’re done, we can go straight there. We stay the night, and then fly back to New York tomorrow morning. I know you won’t get to see the sights, but don’t worry. There’s a conference here in three months that will last four days, and at least one of those days you’ll be able to go around and see the city.”

  Sara was completely fine with this. Just the fact that they were in Paris at all was completely exhilarating to her.

  “One more thing, when we’re at the meeting, I want you to take off your blazer” he added with a naughty smile as they got off the plane and into another waiting limo.

  Sara’s head churned with thoughts as they drove through Paris. Was he kidding? No, he doesn’t really kid about that. Oh God I’m going to have my nipples showing. I can’t really refuse, can I? No, I can’t refuse.

  Eventually they pulled up to a shiny glass skyscraper. They got out of the limo, were greeted in French in the lobby and directed to an elevator. On the 30th floor of the building, they were led to a conference room. Before entering, Mark pulled the clerk aside and asked him in perfect French “Excusez moi monsieur, mais est-ce qu’il y a un endroit privé ou mon assistante et moi nous pouvons verifier quelque chose pendant un instant avant d’entrer?”

  Sara had no idea what was said, but she figured Mark asked for a private room for a moment, as they were immediately whisked into an empty office, the clerk leaving and closing the door behind him with instructions in French to Mark. Sara really, really hoped the whole meeting wouldn’t be in French, because her notes would really suffer if she didn’t understand a single word being said. She wouldn’t find it hard to keep listening to Mark though, it was really sexy listening to him speak in a foreign language.

  “You remember my instructions to you on the plane?” he asked her.

  “Yes, I have to take off my blazer when we get in there.”

  “Well, I have one more instruction.” Mark reached into his pocket and pulled out a little silver vibrator. It was the size of an egg, with a switch on the side. Mark flicked it on low. Sara’s eyes widened. “Surely not...” was the only thing that came out of her mouth.

  Mark came over with the egg and rubbed his fingers along the lips of her labia, finding her hole. He slipped the egg inside of Sara. “You can hang on to this for me too, can’t you?” he whispered softly in her ear.

  Sara inhaled sharply as the vibrating egg slid into her pussy. The soft vibration of the egg in her pussy started to turn her on, but it was set to a low enough speed that it wasn’t going to be enough to bring her to orgasm in a hurry. Sara could only stare at Mark, unbelieving that she was about to go into a meeting with two executives with a vibrator in her pussy. It sounded so loud to her ears she was sure everyone within 20 feet of her would be able to hear what was in her pussy.

  “Now, remember, they don’t know it’s in there, unless you let them know” Mark whispered to her softly, as he took her arm to guide her out of the room.

  When they got into the boardroom, Mark and Sara were met by Francois Bertrand and Martin Desjardins, executives with one of France’s biggest car manufacturers. Sara paused over her chair, undid her blazer and took it off. She hesitated before turning around. She could see when she looked down, her nipples, now stiff with excitement from the buzzing in her pussy, poking out of the silk blouse like it wasn’t even there.

  Sara could feel her face going red as she sat at the table. She squeezed her legs together, already feeling moisture between her legs. It was going to be a long meeting. She could see both men staring at her chest, and her face grew even redder. But she was doing it, she was doing what Mark wanted her to do.

  Luckily for Sara, the meeting took place in English, both men speaking it fluently. Sara desperately tried to focus on her notes, but the vibrator in her pussy was turning her on more and more. She subtly moved around in her chair, her brain trying to process two different commands: part of her wanted to ignore the vibrator and focus on her notes, the other part of her wanted more of it, wanted an orgasm.

  As Sara got more and more turned on as the meeting continued, she found herself being able to focus less and less on her notes. She shifted her legs, trying to get more stimulation going. The vibrator was going so slowly it wasn’t bringing Sara to orgasm nearly fast enough.

  Sara could see Mark taking immense pleasure in her discomfort. She would notice him purposely address her at times during the meeting, forcing her to try and sound normal as she answered his questions. Sara could tell from the look in his eyes that he was enjoying her discomfort immensely.

  As the meeting drew to a close, Mark and the executives making their deal, Sara knew she wasn’t going to be able to cum. She was way too turned on and excited to even care about the fact that one of the terms that Sara had suggested on the plane was actually incorporated into the deal. She had stopped paying attention to the meeting completely at least halfway through. The vibrator was simply set on too low a speed. She was wet as hell, she could feel the juices leaking from her pussy, and her veins were absolutely on fire, but it wasn’t quite enough to take her over the edge.

  As the foursome stood up and said their goodbyes, Sara could once again feel their eyes on her chest. She grabbed her blazer, but before she could put it on, Mark put a controlling hand on her arm. Sara understood. He wasn’t going to allow her to put it on, he wanted her to walk out of the building with her nipples showing to absolutely everyone.

  As they walked out, Sara tried to keep her legs as closed as possible, clenching her pussy to keep the vibrator inside. She wasn’t wearing any underwear, and the last thing she wanted was for the vibrator in her pussy to slip to the floor. She looked at the ground in front of her, not meeting anyone’s eyes as they walked through the lobby packed with people. Sara knew what part of her they were all looking at.

  When they were back in the limo, Mark leaned over and gave her a deep kiss on the lips. It was sensual and loving. He wrapped his hands around her and took her in. The sweet musk of his aftershave, the touch of his lips, the taste of his mouth was like an aphrodisiac for Sara, who breathed deep and enjoyed the kiss.

  When he leaned back, he looked at her proudly. “You did so much better than I expected. Well done!” he announced.

  “I have to cum so bad�
�� came Sara’s hoarse reply.

  Mark took his hand, gently reached into her pussy and grabbed the vibrator, his fingers covered in her pussy juices when he pulled it out. He moved his fingers up to her mouth, and Sara obediently took them into her mouth and licked them clean, tasting her own pussy juices.

  “You can’t cum yet, but don’t worry Sara, all in good time” Mark told her gently.

  The ride back to the hotel felt like an eternity for Sara. All she wanted was to get in that room and be fucked like crazy, and it couldn’t come soon enough.

  They arrived at the hotel and went up to their room, Sara completely unappreciative of the beautiful lobby with crystal chandelier and marble staircase. However, even she couldn’t help but notice the beautiful view. They were on the Champs Elysees, on the upper floor of the hotel, the Eiffel Tower sticking up over the skyline.

  “Wowwwwww” Sara softly whispered, breathlessly.

  “Nice view, isn’t it?” Mark asked.

  “Absolutely incredible” Sara replied, looking down at the people in the streets of Paris. She saw a few baguettes, people riding their bicycles. She felt like she was in the middle of a movie.

  Mark came up behind her and started undoing her blouse. He undid all of the buttons and slid it off her, kissing her neck gently. He moved down to her skirt and unzipped it, sliding it off her body and leaving her completely naked.

  “Now, if you want to cum, you’re going to want to come into the bedroom.”

  Sara followed him. “Now, I want you to come here” he beckoned, leading Sara to the bed. A brown paper bag was on the side, obviously someone had done some shopping for him while they were at the meeting.

  Mark pulled out a black Hermes scarf, but Sara didn’t have time to appreciate its beauty as it was wrapped around her eyes and tied firmly behind her head.

  “Now turn around” Mark ordered. Sara did as he asked.

  Suddenly, she felt something fuzzy around her wrists and the click of metal. She could guess what had happened, she’d just been handcuffed.

  “Get on your knees” Mark ordered. Once again, Sara complied. Blindfolded, with her hands cuffed behind her back, her other senses became much more acute. She could hear Mark getting undressed, she could just barely smell his aftershave, and she could sense him coming closer to her.

  Suddenly, she felt something hot and hard on her mouth. She knew it was his cock. Sara licked Mark’s hard cock, having it bounce around since she couldn’t hold it still. When she had finally covered it in saliva, Sara took it into her mouth and started sucking. She really wanted his cock inside her pussy, she was so turned on now that even sucking his cock was making her even wetter.

  “Do you know why I handcuffed you” Mark asked as she sucked his cock.

  “Unnnn” came Sara’s muted no, her response muffled by the thick member in her mouth.

  “So you can’t touch yourself, so you can’t make yourself cum. You cum when I tell you to cum, no sooner than that” came his response.

  Sara moaned into the cock she was sucking. She was desperate for the orgasm, and hoped he would allow her the release she desperately needed quickly. She continued to suck Mark’s cock until he finally decided it was enough and brought her up.

  Mark moved Sara onto the bed, her knees on the bed, face in the mattress, ass in the air.

  “Now, Sara, I’m going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer honestly. Have you ever had anything in your ass before?”

  Sara gasped. “What? No, of course not.”

  Then she realized what he asked. “You’re not going to... are you?” She couldn’t bring herself to even ask the question, and she knew Mark picked up on that straight away.

  “I’m not going to what?” he teased, pretending not to understand.

  “You’re not going to... you know... put your cock in my ass, are you?”

  Mark laughed. “I am, actually, but not tonight. Tonight, I’m just going to practice.”

  Sara squirmed on the bed. She didn’t know what “practice” meant, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to. Suddenly, she felt cool rubber against her pussy lips. The touch of anything on her pussy brought it back to life, and she moaned in pleasure. She didn’t know what it was, but it was thick and rubbery. Mark rubbed it along her, showing her its shape, and all of a sudden she realized what it was and froze. A butt plug.

  Mark inserted it gently into her pussy and thrust a few times. Sara was so turned on she thrust back against it, but he pulled it out long before she got the release she was after.

  “Now, the more you relax, the less this will hurt” Mark whispered softly to her as he pressed the tip of the plug against her puckered asshole.

  “Oh my God, oh no” Sara cried. Suddenly, she felt pressure against her ass. Mark was pushing it against her. She couldn’t help but fight as Mark pressed harder and harder before finally, her opening gave. Pain rushed through Sara’s body as her asshole opening, and Mark slid the plug deeper and deeper inside her ass, stretching her even more.

  Mark pushed until the plug was completely inserted into her ass. After a minute or so, the pain started to die away and was replaced with a strange sensation of being completely filled. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation, it was just... different. Mark rubbed her ass as he allowed Sara to get used to the sensations.

  “See? It wasn’t that bad, was it?” he asked. Sara felt him get behind her. This was what she really wanted. She could feel the plug pressing against the walls of her asshole. She could still feel it, and she would probably class the feeling as uncomfortable, but she was quickly getting used to it.

  Mark pressed his cock against Sara’s opening. She pushed back against it, practically begging him to enter her. He teased for a few seconds, letting his cock hover around her slit before finally sliding it inside of her with one big, long stroke.

  Sara started to moan as Mark thrust his throbbing, hard cock inside of her. He slid it in and out, starting off slowly, but moving faster and faster. Sara lay on the bed, her eyes closed despite the blindfold, enjoying the sensation she’d been denied for hours.

  It didn’t take long for her to reach the edge. After only a few minutes her moans started getting louder. “Ohhhhh ohhh I’m gonna cum” she cried. Mark started thrusting harder and faster when he heard this, which was all Sara needed to get her over the edge.

  “Ohhhhh wooooooow” she cried out as waves of pleasure rushed through her. This was by far the strongest orgasm she’d ever had. Having been denied it for so long, finally getting the release she so desperately wanted felt amazing. Pleasure ran through every vein in her body, all culminating in her pussy regions. All thoughts flew from her head and she stopped being able to breathe. She could feel all of her muscles clenching, the walls of her pussy pulsating on Mark’s cock. Her asshole was clenched against the plug in her ass, and Sara groaned as the orgasm continued for seconds longer than she’d ever experience.

  It was complete bliss that felt like it lasted an eternity, but at the same time felt like it had passed through her in seconds.

  When she finally came back down to earth, she relaxed her muscles and continued to lay on the bed, enjoying the fucking Mark was giving her as he pounded deeper and deeper into her, forcing her into the bed.

  After a few minutes, Sara could tell from his small grunts and laboured breathing that Mark was coming close as well. His thrusts got faster and faster until finally his cock exploded inside of her. Sara could feel the spurts of hot cum entering her and he gave one last hard thrust against her and held his cock inside of her, enjoying the pleasure of his own orgasm.

  When he was finished, Mark unhooked the handcuffs and took off the scarf. He leaned in to Sara and gave her a big kiss. “See? Wasn’t that worth the wait?” he asked her.

  Sara gave him a playful punch on the arm. “Maybe, but it still wasn’t a very nice thing to do.”

  “Well, you haven’t even mentioned the fact that I included one of your ideas from the plane into o
ur deal with the car manufacturer.”

  “What? You did? Wow, that’s... actually really an honour! Thank you!” Sara exclaimed. “But as I’m sure you can imagine, my mind was on other things, you can’t blame me for not noticing.”

  The two of them lay in bed together for a while, looking at the amazing view of Paris from the window. After a while, they had a shower together, ordered some room service, and went to bed.

  “I changed the flight time for tomorrow, we’re not leaving until the evening” Mark told her as they were drifting off to sleep. “I figured we could go to a cafe and maybe see the Eiffel Tower or something together instead.”

  “Mmmmm, thank you, that would be nice” Sara murmured, nestled inside his arm. “Yes,” she thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep. “I definitely made the right choice.”

  Forever His

  Three whole months had passed since Sara had first made her way to the 52nd floor of the Terringer International building and began her new life as Mark Terringer’s personal assistant. She had become his sex slave, doing whatever he wanted her to do, whenever she wanted to do it.

  Sara discovered she really enjoyed submitting to Mark, but as the months went by and they spent more and more time together, Sara also realized she was falling for him. She scolded herself, telling her she was silly. After all, he was worth billions of dollars, running his own company and jet-setting around the world. He was a young, handsome bachelor. He was the type of man who hired women to be his sex slave/PA, not the type of man who settled down with a poor girl from upstate New York who moved to the big city to get a job. Despite knowing that Mark would never fall for her, Sara couldn’t help but genuinely laugh at his jokes, try to sound smart when he asked her for her opinion on business deals (he liked to use her as a sounding board, he said, since she never judged him) and do her absolute best to please him in the bedroom (or wherever else they were having sex).